Why study biology?
Biology is inspired by the living world around us, with content relevant to real world experiences. An interesting and inspiring course, A Level biology is a stepping stone to higher education. The course will nurture your passion for biology and lay the groundwork for further study in courses such as biological sciences and medicine.
You will develop skills and enhance your understanding of the living world and you will also gain analytical skills, and develop your scientific enquiry and problem solving skills.
What will I learn about?
The core content for this course includes:
• biological molecules
• cells
• organisms exchange substances with their environment
• genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
• energy transfers in and between organisms
• organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments
• genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
• the control of gene expression
How will I be assessed?
• Examinations
• Written assessment
• Practical work
Future pathways and careers
• Medicine
• Zoology
• Live sciences
• Veterinary science
• Biochemistry