Our deadline for applications for 2019-2020 starters is fast approaching!
Applications from year 11 students should be received by Friday 7 December 2018 for those individuals wishing to continue their studies with us from September 2019. Students may still apply after this date, but may not get onto their first-choice courses if we do not receive their initial application by this deadline.
For any student who is undecided about the courses they wish to take, take a look at our curriculum directory which outlines the available courses and our entry requirements for these. If you need any further advice or information that cannot be found on our website, please contact Mrs Wall, head of Hucknall Sixth Form Centre on (0115) 9681657.
For details of the application process or to download an application form, please visit the admissions section of our website.
We hope to hear from you soon, and see you continue your education journey with us in September.