This year Hucknall Sixth Form Centre are delighted to be involved in HE+, a programme run by the University of Cambridge that provides super-curricular activities for high achieving students. This link is another important opportunity to raise student aspirations as they start to consider where their future in education may lie.
Last Wednesday (7 November), nine of our students took part in the launch day for HE+ at Redhill Academy in Arnold. Staff from the University of Cambridge provided informative sessions on how to make a competitive application to a top research university and on thinking skills. Students also took part in two subject masterclasses related to subjects that they would potentially like to study at university to extend their interest and knowledge in these areas.
It was an extremely interesting and inspiring day for the students who were involved. Henry stated that ‘the masterclasses were good in showing other areas of the subjects outside A Level’, with Kate commenting that ‘the biology masterclass on astrophysics really showed cross-links between the sciences and was very interesting’. Ben was really impressed with ‘the Maths talk (on mathematics in ‘The Simpsons’) was interesting and had a unique theme.’, and finally, Eloise reflected that ‘the information we were given about Cambridge University and how to apply successfully to universities in general was very helpful.’
Thank you to University of Cambridge for this opportunity, to our friends at Redhill Academy, and well done to all students who took part.