In preparation for all year 12 and 13 students returning to Hucknall Sixth Form Centre in September, here we outline some of the many changes we are putting in place in order to keep our students and staff as safe as possible.
On 2 July 2020, the Department for Education released their guidance on the ‘Full opening of schools’. This document sets out guidance regarding health advice, school operations, the curriculum, assessment, behaviour and pastoral support. Based on this document, we are making some changes to life at Hucknall Sixth Form Centre from September.
Parents/carers will not be permitted to drive onto site to drop students off or pick them up. It is advised that, where possible, students should walk or cycle. If students are travelling by bus, the government have advised that passengers should wear PPE (face masks) and avoid touching the face as much as possible.
On entry and exit to the site, all students, staff and visitors will be required to hand sanitise using the gel provided. There will be hand sanitiser in every classroom and at stations around the site and we also have a full stock of soap for all toilet facilities. To help make movement around the building easier there will be a ‘keep left’ system in place on the stairs and corridors.
HSFC will be its own bubble to ensure that our students can still engage with a full curriculum. However, students in year 12 and 13 will be distanced where possible. Measures in place to reduce the amount of contact between the year groups include separate year zones in the LRC, separate year 12 and year 13 tutor groups, and where possible, 2 metre distancing where year 13 students are participating in year 12 lessons.
As many lessons as possible will be taught solely at HSFC to reduce the movement of students between sites. However, a minority of specialist lessons will continue to be delivered at The Holgate Academy and National Church of England Academy. The timings of these lessons have been altered slightly to ensure that sixth form students are moving around the home academies at a different time to younger students. The minibus will continue to provide transport between the sites.
Assemblies and enrichment will take place via video link or in smaller groups. We are increasing the amount of surface cleaning throughout the day and have changed our room layouts so, where possible, the seats now face forwards as recommended by the government. Students should refrain from sharing their equipment with each other. Unfortunately there will be no residential educational visits during the autumn term.
From September we will be following our usual attendance policy and procedures. If your child has a positive Covid-19 test or displays the symptoms of Covid-19 such as a new continuous cough, a high temperature and a loss of smell and/or taste PLEASE KEEP THEM AT HOME, follow the government guidance and make us aware in the usual way. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to contact the health/medical services if you are concerned or you recognise any Covid-19 symptoms. Please also inform us if your child is self-isolating. If we are forced to close again for any period of time we will revert to online lessons via Microsoft Teams. Attendance at these sessions will be compulsory. These have worked successfully with year 12 this half term.
Under normal circumstances we will expect students to be on site during their study periods. However, in September we will be advising students to work at home during their study periods if they live within 10 minutes of the centre. This is to reduce the number of students on site at any one time to support social distancing – we will review this policy monthly.
We hope that the measures described above are reassuring to students and parents/carers. We have tried to ensure that life at Hucknall Sixth Form Centre can return as close to normal as possible to help students settle back into a routine.
We are really looking forward to welcoming all our students back in September.
- Thursday 3rd September will be an induction morning for our new year 12 students (8.30am – 12.30pm)
- Friday 4th September will be an induction morning for our returning year 13 students (8.30am – 12.30pm)
- Formal lessons will commence on Monday 7th September.
Enjoy your summer break and we’ll see you back here soon!