On Friday 11th November, Year 13 took part in their mock interviews day.
A plethora of employers kindly gave up their time to help Year 13 with this task. They were able an personalised and realistic interview experience and then able to give feedback to the students to help them as they move forward in their own personal journey.
The take up for the interviews was extremely high and the students were buzzing once they had completed their slot.
Comments from employers on the day ,
- “All the students I saw were polite and treated the opportunity of an interview with respect”
- “Its obvious they all have hopes and dreams and are working hard to achieve them, particularly the ones with jobs to support themselves”
- “The majority [of students] know their career path”
Comments from students on the day,
- “Im glad I dressed up, the interviewer said I looked really smart”
- “ they were really nice and not scary at all”
- “ I didn’t want to go but I have changed my mind now “
- “ I really enjoyed the experience, thank you “
Well done to our students, they did themselves proud.