On Wednesday 4th July, our year 12 students visited our local Russell Group university, the University of Nottingham. The day was a chance for students to experience life on a university campus and to find out about the application process.
On arrival, students were given an introductory talk on the benefits of a university education and guidance on how to choose the right course to suit their aspirations and interests. The group then took part in workshops about writing a successful personal statement and about student finance, including undertaking a monthly budget challenge – one group did this so well that they still had over £100 left at the end of the month!
We were also shown around the campus by some student ambassadors, giving the sixth formers the opportunity to chat informally to current university students to find out about life in higher education.
Our students found the day extremely useful – we now look forward to working with them on their applications and preparing them for the next chapter in their lives.