Jack enjoyed a successful time in sixth form, achieving great things with his studies leading to exciting opportunities to carry on his education. He achieved good grades and secured his first choice at higher education, now studying history at the University of Lincoln.
He says, ‘I chose to continue my studies at Hucknall Sixth Form Centre as the familiarity of staff in my chosen subjects was very important to me.
There is a wide choice of subjects available for all students, and plenty of opportunities to support my personal development including the extended project qualification. The EPQ allowed me to research, plan and write a dissertation on the history of tanks, something I have a keen interest in. With support from staff, I achieved an A grade in this qualification, and the experience of developing this piece of work will support my onward studies.
Together with my academic development, my time in the sixth form has enabled me to become more independent and confident, something that will be very useful as now I move to university.’