Why study further mathematics?
This course will appeal to you if you are interested and have the ability to study further maths. If you would also like to pursue maths at university or your chosen higher education course is likely to have a demanding mathematical content, then this course will enhance your knowledge.
You will develop your understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and fosters enjoyment. You will develop abilities to reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning, to generalise and to construct mathematical proofs.
What will I learn about?
Further pure
You will enhance the skills gained from AS and extend your knowledge of algebra, differentiation, integration, complex numbers, graphs and matrices. This unit provides the compulsory problem solving tools that are needed in so many subjects.
Applied maths
This will build on the applied maths covered in AS level maths. The decision mathematics will cover networks and algorithms for sorting and solving further complex problems. The statistics will cover Poisson distribution, errors, chi squared and confidence intervals which links to many other A Levels.
How will I be assessed?
• Examinations
Future pathways and careers
• Engineering
• Accountancy
• Science
• Business management
An AS level in further mathematics is highly regarded by all universities and any future employer and will put you in a very strong position when applying for a place on a degree course in any type of engineering, accountancy or science based course at university. Knowledge of further mathematical skills will open up many opportunities in management-based employment.